Monday, May 30, 2011


Tressel quits on my birthday. Odd to say that it's a gift, but it certainly makes me happy.

Though I think Interim Coach Luke Fickell is going to need more than the Force to keep the team in balance this year. He'll need something much more powerful... he'll need the Schwartz.

Pryor's career may now be done. Fickell doesn't owe him anything, and if they win the first 5 games without him, I think it will be very unpopular with Buckeye nation to start him again.

What are the odds that Urban Meyer becomes the next head coach at OSU? There was a rumor that he bought a house in Upper Arlington... but searching the Franklin County property register reveals no Meyer, Urban. Who knows.

Anyway, 2011 is going to be a radically different Big Ten season, with Michigan and Ohio State both having new coaches on the sidelines, 2 new divisions changing the schedules, and the addition of Nebraska. It should be good to watch the overall races.


  1. Interesting given your comments of a few days ago -

    Seems the DUI suspicion really turned out to be a stolen car.

  2. Didn't hear about the stolen car... hasn't turned up on yet. I know that other news sources exist but if it isn't on the WSJ Sports pages or, it will go undetected.

    Unless you're speaking metaphorically... i.e. stealing wins last season?

  3. I was just continuing your 'DUI, parking ticket' metaphor. I forgot that they don't go past Dr. Suess in English Lit in Columbus. My bad.

  4. Happy Birthday sir Nut! May you find a coach to live up to the standards of John Cooper for eternity.

  5. Weasel: that hurt. If RichRod would have been employed for another 10 years you would understand the pain that the Buckeye Nation endured.

    Mod: Fair enough. The chairman of the Electrical Engineering department successfully lobbied the University to reduce the English requirement for graduation to 8 hours just before I enrolled there. We still had the most total credit-hour requirements at 199 to graduate. Not that I remember any differential equations, linear algebra, or Nyquist theory I had to take in the place of English, but I passed the classes and got a job at Agilent. And I still have a degree from the same school as you jokers.

  6. That was unusually cruel of me given that it is your birthday and all. But then again, having spent the last 10 years hoping the Wolverines come within 10 points of the Buckeyes in our annual end of the season loss, I have to admit that some more Cooper-esque years would be welcomed.

    As for your ability to get an excellent job and a degree from a top flight university, you my friend are the exception that proves the rule about tOSU....and by far the most impressive graduate of tOSU since...well...ever.

  7. My business partner strongly disagrees that I'm the most impressive grad from Ohio State. Not sure if you've ever watched the Big Bang Theory, but physicists have referred to engineers as "The Oompa-Loompas of science." I'm lucky to reach oompa-loompa status most days.

    Need to get some work done... Ooompa Loompa out.


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