Monday, April 25, 2011

Jimmy the Greek
OSU is still operating under the delusion a 5 game suspension will suffice. Thought I'd take a moment to handicap a few of their options...

4-1 OSU stands by their 5 game suspension and the NCAA tacks on significant extra time, say all of the 2011 season (and maybe a bowl or two).

6-1 Tressel "retires" to take some heat off of OSU, to no avail. Sames consequences come down from the NCAA as mentioned above.

20-1 Tressel stays, only serves 5 game suspension, the rest of this story is swept under the sweater vest. Seems like a longshot, but it's just the sort of sleazy crap Tressel has pulled off for a while.

1000-1 OSU fires Tressel, imposes Michigan-esque "RichRod" punishment by hiring... wait for it... RichRod. He's recently stated an interest in getting back in the game and believes the only reason he doesn't have a position now is that he was fired so late in the hiring season ( Right, RR, that's the reason why - here is your chance to make things right.



  1. 1 Billion-1: RichRod getting any job in Columbus. Ain't happening.

    999-1: John Cooper gets his job back.

    100-1: OSU plays in any kind of bowl game for the 2011 season.

    5-1: Urban Meyer is employed by OSU one year from now.

    3-2: In an embarrassingly ugly contest, Luke Fickell somehow manages to get OSU to score more points than Michigan and helps them notch their 7th* victory in a row. Pissed-off Michigan frat guys dump 3 truckloads of cow dung in Hoke's lawn. Erb students get pissed at the hooligans for the egregious waste of fertilizer and organize a sit-in. Cars are overturned. Dumpsters are set on fire. BTB is looted. Mary Sue Coleman weeps uncontrollably.

    *assumes 2010 is vacated.

    This all assumes Tressel gets fired... if he's on the sidelines for any game in 2011, I'm wearing Michigan gear in protest. Post it on your bulletin boards.

  2. 8-1: The weasel appears
    3-2: The weasel gets his butt kicked by a honey badger

  3. Infinite-1: Honey badger gives a fuck.

  4. Let's be honest, Honey Badger don't give a...well, you know.

    I'm all for Tressel staying on at tOSU....makes it that much easier to give the football program the death penalty....or at the very least, let the Honey Badger know there's food to dig up in Columbus...

    More to come after we see what new violations come up over the long weekend.

  5. I'm sure that new allegations will surface about a student-athlete on the football team having pre-marital relations with his girlfriend. And how team members under the age of 21 were drinking beer at a party hosted by seniors on the team. And the stake in the heart... how some students took easy classes to keep their grades up. A scandal, I say!

    At this point in the PR nightmare for OSU football, it's similar to a cop writing tickets for not wearing a seatbelt or having a bad taillight when you were pulled over for suspicion of DUI.

    Considering how USC's appeals were all turned down this week, I think OSU is going to get a similar penalty. Vacate all of last year's activity, 2-year postseason ban (including conference championship), loss of around 5 scholarships for the next 2 years. I don't think any of the "new" allegations are going to amount to anything specific, other than force the hand of the NCAA to come down hard to appease the public.

    For fans of the program who are alumni, who do believe in ethical standards (yes, we do exist), waiting until August to make a decision is unacceptable. The fact that Tressel has not been fired deeply disturbs me. I'm now convinced that the whole institution needs cleaning: Tressel, Gene Smith, and E. Gordon Gee must all go.

    But if you think that star athletes at major football programs across the country are going to quit getting heavily discounted (or subsidized) cars because of this, you're completely delusional.


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